<form> <sheet> <div class="o_auth_totp_enable_2FA container"> <div class="mb-3 w-100"> <h3 class="fw-bold">Authenticator App Setup</h3> <ul> <div class="d-md-none d-block"> <li> <field class="text-wrap" name="url" widget="url" options="{'website_path': True}" text="Click on this link to open your authenticator app"/></li> </div> <li> <div class="d-flex align-items-center flex-wrap"> <span class="d-md-none d-block">Or install an authenticator app</span> <span class="d-none d-md-block">Install an authenticator app on your mobile device</span> <div class="d-block d-md-none"> <a href="https://play.google.com/store/search?q=authenticator&amp;c=apps" class="mx-2" target="blank"> <img alt="On Google Play" style="width: 24px;" src="/base_setup/static/src/img/logo_google_play.png"/> </a> <a href="http://appstore.com/2fa" class="mx-2" target="blank"> <img alt="On Apple Store" style="width: 24px;" src="/base_setup/static/src/img/logo_apple_store.png"/> </a> </div> </div> </li> <span class="text-muted">Popular ones include Authy, Google Authenticator or the Microsoft Authenticator.</span> <li>Look for an "Add an account" button</li> <li> <span class="d-none d-md-block">When requested to do so, scan the barcode below</span> <span class="d-block d-md-none">When requested to do so, copy the key below</span> </li> </ul> <!-- Desktop version --> <div class="text-center d-none d-md-block"> <field name="qrcode" readonly="True" widget="image" options="{'no_reload': true }"/> <h3 class="fw-bold"><a data-bs-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseTotpSecret" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseTotpSecret">Cannot scan it?</a></h3> <div class="collapse" id="collapseTotpSecret"> <field name="secret" widget="CopyClipboardChar" readonly="1" class="mb-3 ps-3"/> </div> </div> <!-- Mobile Version --> <div class="text-center d-block d-md-none"> <field name="secret" widget="CopyClipboardChar" readonly="1" class="mb-3 ps-3"/> </div> <h3 class="fw-bold">Enter your six-digit code below</h3> <div class="mt-2"> <label for="code" class="px-0">Verification Code</label> <div class="d-flex align-items-center"> <field required="True" name="code" autocomplete="off" class="o_field_highlight px-0 me-2" placeholder="e.g. 123456"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </sheet> <footer> <button type="object" name="enable" class="btn btn-primary" string="Activate" data-hotkey="q"/> <button string="Cancel" special="cancel" data-hotkey="z"/> </footer> </form>

Noyez Snacks



Would you like to transfer Belgian fries culture abroad or do you already have a catering business abroad? Thanks to our export service, Noyez offers the possibility of having all your supplies and products delivered throughout Europe quickly and at competitive prices.

If you are opening your own business soon, contact us. We will be happy to help you set up or expand your business.

With us, you can order all your goods, sauces, fats, packaging and so on in one place, so that you can easily have everything you need together.​

With years of experience, we ensure that all your orders are delivered across the European continent.

For more information regarding our export services, please contact us via email at​ info@noyezsnacks.be.